Bow Making Course – NCFE Level 3 Accredited


Wildway Bushcraft and Adam Logan join forces to bring you a weekend bow making course, one not to be missed!
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Bow Making Course – NCFE Level 3 Accredited

Wildway Bushcraft and Adam Logan join forces to bring you a weekend bow making course, one not to be missed! This fully immersive course is set in Wildway Bushcraft’s broad leaf woodland on the edge of the New Forest. You will learn all you need to know about bow making, from start to finish, guided by Adam Logan and the Wildway Team.

Adam first began his bow making journey in 2010 and has since produced many varying bow designs and styles – from Medieval longbow to Mesolithic flat bow. Over the last 12 years he has had the privilege of teaching many hundreds of students the process of transforming tree to beautiful and deadly weapon.

During this weekend bow making course, we will join together to work from an beautiful woodland classroom. We will be working with one of our native woods Ash which makes truly excellent bows.

All of the tools and materials you need will be provided, and with instruction on hand, we will ensure you get the most out of your bow making course.

What is a bow without a string!? You will of course learn how to produce your own string and Adam is always keen to demonstrate alternative materials, processes, and techniques that range on a spectrum from full workshop to wilderness base camp.

The wealth of woodland experience of the Wildway Team, blended with Adam’s bow making knowledge offers you the opportunity for an unforgettable, educational, and empowering weekend out in the woods!

We are restricting places on this bow making course to 8 students to ensure you get the very best instruction and enough one to one time should you need it.

This bow making course is a self catered course, though Tea, Coffee and Biscuits will be provided. You are more than welcome to camp in the woods – in fact we encourage it as it’s all part of the experience!

Should you have any questions about the course then please just ask and we will be more than happy to help.